Welcome to the MemeMachine?

Idea Incubator for Free-Range designs.
The images here are my first contribution: all of them have potential as ways of picturing 'ideas-of' design, and ways that may contribute to the designing of our future - or indeed, equally, may not!

What are the most attractive things about them? Would you wear any of them of a T-Shirt for example - if so, why?

The 'idea-of' the incubation of our ideas is not done in order to create yet more products that have little value, but instead to isolate the 'idea-of' better overall usage and the actualizing of just some of the potential futures that await them. Technology is wonderful and amazing, but it can do so much more.

For example, why is an ipod such a succesful product? what is it about that little box that is so much more socially attractive than any of the other products - all of which do exactly the same thing - or do they?
stick it here?.

Is the 'idea-of' a better way of discovering our memetic actions?
Does being aware of the memetic, in explicit terms, then stop the process?
You tell me...answers through theclick...

The focus here will be on 'Thinking in Pictures' and the 'idea-of' these pictures. by thinking in pictures one might create a memetic responce that could help us all design ways of doing things more effectively.
Thinking in pictures might help you when you go shopping for instance, or drive your car - perhaps you even do this already? Thinking in pictures doesn't have to be deep or philosophical, infact it might be better if it wasn't!
Remember - 'click it to stick it'.

It doesn't matter if you don't have any pictures or ideas that you think might be memetic, sticky or 'of' anything. It might be that you have a picture or 'idea-of' a problem. Put it in the idea incubator and everyone else can try to solve it for you. At the end; all you have to do is tell someone...

lets try this out: 'Meme of the Week'
The 'idea-of' this is to compile a short list of ideas, notions or better-yet - pictures that will be updated every week. It is up to you to vote for your favorite, - or least favorite from the list, but remember to tell me what it is about your choice that you find 'sticky' . At the end of each week AU's number one 'stickiest hit' will be revealed and put into the list for the next week.

Add you Meme of the Week and see how it fairs!
this weeks meme are:

'bendy Wire' paper clips
Blue Ray High Definition DVD
The price of Fuel - Good thing? Bad Thing?
The guardian changing to 'Berliner' Format.
and this picture:

The mind is an incubator - keep it warm. (Wear a hat)!
