Guidelines for Journal Referees

This is to help guests to act as referees for article submitted to the Journal of WCP

You may also like to see the Journal's Mission / Call for Papers / Author Guidelines / Author Checklist

We are grateful to you for agreeing to referee the enclosed/attached article.
The following questions may help you in providing feedback to the Author.
You may answer them one by one or as a single text to be communicated to the author:

  • Do the title and the abstract reflect the content of the article adequately?
  • Is the purpose of the research stated well?
  • Is the significance of this research explained relative to the existing literature?
  • Are there adequate references to other research?
  • Is the article clearly written and well organized?
  • Is there any typographical or syntactic confusion?
  • Has the author explained well what was done?
  • Has the author explained well why it was done?
  • Does the paper show appropriate ingenuity in the methods used?
  • Has the author indicated how trustworthy her, or his findings might be?
  • Does the paper offer new insights and contribute to the development of the subject?
  • Has the author explained well the implications of the results?
  • Considering its content is the length of the article appropriate?

Your Decision

After due consideration, please recommend one of the following to the Editors.

a) - Accept with minor changes for publication as an article
b) - Request minor changes for publication as a short note or feature.
c) - Request a major revision for the article to be re-submitted for a new round of review.
d) - Suggest a more suitable publication to which the author may like to submit.
e) - Regard the article as not publishable.

Offering Feedback

  • Please also provide comments that may be used as useful feedback to authors.
  • It is useful to detail perceived faults with suggestions for improvement.
  • Even when articles are rejected your comments may result in greatly improved resubmissions
  • It may eventually result in new submissions, to this and other journals, at a later date.

Thank You

  • The referring system is vital to the quality of academic journals.
  • The anonymity of the referee may makes it look like a thankless job.
    However, referees are also authors on other occasions and may therefore
    appreciate the comments they get in turn from you.
  • Thank you in advance for your assistance.
