Welcome to Planet Utopia 
- You are the commander of a research mission from the Planet Utopia to explore the situation on the planet Earth. Utopia has never visited Earth before, therefore you have no prior knowledge of Planet Earth.
- To find other Planets that are on the same point on the Dystopia - Utopia continuum. To recommend planets for inclusion into the Utopia Federation.
You have to report back to Utopia:-
- The current position of Earth on the Dystopia - Utopia Continuum.
- What dreams do the people of Earth need to come to fruition to move Earth towards Utopia. Make recommendations on how each dream could be realised.
- Would you recommend Earth as a member of the Utopia Federation? If not now, when?
Remember you have no prior knowledge of Earth, therefore you can dream with out limitation.
Now visit our DreamExchange to post your dreams.