William Warren talks about his work
It seemed to the team that William's work exemplifies a design strategy that creates many levels of synergy
William trained as a silversmith
He wanted to produce silver objects that would somehow reflect their use and become well loved.
He infuses meaning, character and storytelling into everyday designed objects and environments.
William has developed a more entrepreneurial approach
This keyfob is also a bottle-opener
The main idea is to challenge the way we think of things
This non-precious metal is cut with a laser, so virtually no material is lost.
The key that attaches could also be cut out from the centre
Some see this approach as being very 'sustainable'
This chair plays with contradictory design genres
Wiliam was disillusioned with the impersonal results and myopia of manufacturers
He often challenges their traditional, conventional methods of production
Sometimes this involves practical ways to maximise untapped potential
It may pervert standard manufacturing processes to reveal new markets
William got the glassblowers to drink a lot of wine before they started work
Making human values more visible, his designs create ‘lovely human connections’
They play with logic and bring humour, serendipity and playfulness into everyday life
This Sorrell Foundation
commission brought more fun into a school
This long bench can be used for many purposes and occasions
It invites inventiveness in a society that loves sport and fashion
(can you spot the mirror? . . . towards the far end of the walkway)
This primary school was going to buy an off-the-shelf playground
They would have paid a fortune for it
William saved the school a lot of money
Instead of providing a standard solution he met the children and listened
They told him it would be unpractical to have swings (too small)
But please could they walk around the whole space without touching the floor?
He returned after it was installed - to take photographs of his work
But he couldn't see the equipment because it was covered in children
Mixing seriousness with fun
There are high profits and unscrupulous practices in the funeral business
Many expensive coffins are made from chipboard, printed vinyl film, and plastic handles
This shelf knocks down into the right number of parts to build your own coffin
See William Warren's website
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