Routine m21 Meeting

m21 Friday meeting on 11th April 2008

After Pines Calyx - well done, everyone...(and thanks, Jordan)


  • 10.00am Catch-up / discussion:
    Main Issues:
  1. 1. Video technology issues
  2. 2. TV interview format
  3. 3. Do we need to replace Batel?
  4. 4. Futerra preparations
  5. 5. Proposed final launch event
  6. 6. Anette's USA tasks
  7. 7. Flowers for Ann
  • Other announcements / proposals from:
  1. 1. JohnW
  2. 2. Anette
  3. 3. Hannah
  4. 4. ?
  5. 5. ?
  6. 6. etc.
  • 11.00am Evaluation of the feedback notes from Jordan
  • 12.00am Jordan to report on his strategy / experience with Pines Calyx feedback
  • 1.00pm Lunch
  • 2.00pm Paired activities
  • 4.00pm Feedback & Logging - planning for forthcoming week
  • 5.00pm Pub / Home
