m21 Project Completion - Roles + Agenda
A timetable of aims, tasks, roles and project outcomes that would satisfy our funding remit
– Proposed Tasks
- Video editing
- Website
- Tiki v2.0
– Proposed Tasks/Roles
- Editing handbook – logistics / planning
- Assisting completion of wiki write-up
- Assembling new funding bids
- M21 Project management
- Video editing
– Proposed Tasks/Roles
- Editing handbook – writing the ‘contents’ page, using metaphor / narrative
- Assisting completion of wiki write-up
- Editing special issue of JWCP on metadesign tools for writing
– Proposed Tasks/Roles
- Designing handbook – layout / images
- Visual layout re-design of wiki v. 2
- Facilitation at launch of metadesign
- Writing up some of the wiki tools
- Roadshow to attract companies to use our tools
– Proposed Tasks/Roles
- Produce working database that emulates a relonic wheel (+ I/O capability)
- Compile a handbook section on useful mathematical tools for m21
- Continue to come up with unexpected results
– Proposed Tasks/Roles
- Maintain a watching brief on research methodologies
- Facilitation at launch of metadesign
- Writing up some of the wiki tools
- Organize a roadshow to attract companies to use our tools
- Travel to Hong Kong to give paper…