Thinking Beyond the Possible

Building the 'bottom-up' team synergies in order to challenge existing paradigms

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The Background Story

  • The following 21 tools is an integrated set of methods and techniques that supports metadesigners.
  • It was developed by the m21 research team between January 2005 and December 2008.
  • The aim of this initiative is to change existing wasteful, or damaging paradigms within society.
  • Metadesign would be intended to create synergies on many levels.
  • This requires team effort and to facilitate better team work it is important to compose dynamic teams.
  • How can designers help us to become greener, when the economic system dictates how designers work?
  • Donella Meadows (1997) looked at subsidies, taxes and legal standards (i.e. parameters) as 'levers' for change.
  • However, she found that numbers is a far less effective leverage point (external link) than paradigmatic change.
  • Behavioural habits are bound by a language system that frames beliefs and assumptions.
  • By steering the metaphors we may re-frame the conditions we perceive to be 'real'
  • Again, shared realities can be shifted by language tools such as collective story-telling
    or the consensual values tool which quickly enables novice participants to agree defining terms to help to bind them as a team.
  • It would encourage holarchic teams of trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary designers.

The Ambitious Nature of These Workshops

Can Ethics Inspire a New Enterprise Culture?

Being Co-Creative

Managing Collective Creativity

Managing Individual Creativity

Tools for Complex Systems
