Did you happen to notice that we now have Google Maps on the Tiki now. Go to your user preferences page and click "use google map locator" to set your location. Then we can map where Au is In Real Life! (somehow)

I've been copying event info into the "Articles" section (which also handles events - sort of)
You can see them all here and view them on a calendar here

Still undecided as to whether this is the best thing to use for our events - it's not perfect, might need to wait until tiki 1.10.

exclaim Lovely image browser!

There's now a way of browsing the images uploaded to the wiki. Check it out at the SandBox for instance.

  • Click on the link "Image browser" above the smileys, a popup window should appear where you can browser the images already uploaded to the wiki.
  • Just click on the "use wiki tag" link under the pic you want and the code for the image will be inserted into the text

(works on Firefox, not tested on other browsers yet).
Notice the search box in the top right cool

You can now add quicktime movies to you wiki pages!


exclaim Did you know you can simply click on the icon down at the bottom of any page and you'll get an email every time a change is made on that page. (Just click it again to stop "watching")

arrow All links on wiki pages are orange and bold now, so you don't need to add any extra formatting codes to get them to look nice (such as __ for bold)

arrow Similarly, the headings (like !, !! etc ) now go like this:

Biggest heading (one exclamation mark)

Second level heading (two exclamation marks)

Third level heading (three exclamation marks)

Fourth level heading (four exclamation marks)

Fifth level heading (ooh, it's gone orange!)
Sixth level heading (guess how many exclamation marks)

arrow The so called "simplebox" has now changed, so you can put an image or text in a column at the left hand side of the page - like this:

And then you can put some more text on the right hand side of it - like this.

The wiki markup for that, by the way, is simply

^{img src="img/wiki_up/chicken+egg2.jpg" }^

Don't forget - watch this page!

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