Attainable Utopias?
The Positive Possible
- The term ‘Attainable Utopias’ was coined in 2001 to challenge the vision-less brand of pragmatism that was emerging in politics and industry.
- Its founders, John Wood at Goldsmiths, London University
) and Andrew Carmichael, (Director of the Creative Process
) were puzzled.
- Why had humanity failed to create a new 'vision' for the new millennium?
- Why, despite unparalleled access to resources, knowledge, and technology, had we become so pessimistic and cynical?
- Their conclusion was that whilst, as voters and consumers, we have become experts at choosing and complaining, we have forgotten how to dream.
- Without new dreams humanity may easily become extinct.
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encourages all citizens to imagine possible worlds that would be better for everyone
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