What is Data and how can we Locate Synergies in Systems that Share it?

How the languaging group approached the definition of data

♣ Our starting point was how different types of data may be interpreted and shared?

♣ We assumed that Data in the context of design and at the level of “languaging”, is interpreted and filtered through the culture of the individual as well as the context in which it will be used. So our focus became on the approaches to: “how to share data” and on the qualities/skills of the person as well as the conditions for sharing data, which can lead to synergy.

♣ Data is relative and is adaptive. Data in itself is like noise – white noise - and gains meaning once its contextualised. Data is often used to enforcen and prove a point, so it is important to be clear about the standing point.

♣ We discussed how important the background and lived experiences affects the way we perceive and approach data as each individual becomes a filter.

♣ How do we read the shrug of shoulder in Italy, or the nod of the head in India?

♣ That the basis for collaboration is linked to skills and competences and that the sharing process is enabled when there is honesty, ability and willingness to collaborate.

♣ How attitude and “Blinkers” hinder synergy – eg. One rigid person can make a whole group rigid. So how do we deal with blockages?

♣ Our group found that “food” is a good metaphor for explaining data and data-sharing and we came up with “a chowder” to best describe what we think data-sharing synergies as this implies:

a recipe = framework
ingredients = data
cooking time = a process/procedure
taste = qualifier for success or not

♣ We also discussed how the role of the designer is similar to that of a cook or a choreographer, working with known and unknown quantities and qualities.

We found that we had created a set of shared vocabulary. To summarise our discussion we decided at the end of the session to list our main key-words from the session. These were:

o Personality
o Attitude
o Being in the now
o Life experience
o Chowder
o Cooperation
o Willingness
o Relative perception
o Openness
o Honesty
o Choreography
o Educational awareness

Overall evaluation

The workshop highlighted the importance of the languaging group's role in the cognitive model as a filter and interface between the different groups. Seeing it at work – the members of the group were conscious of our role as languagers – and became facilitators for communication.

Feedback from the extrenal consultants

Denis O'Brien & Nobuoki Ohtani

Please view the Languaging working data poster

Please view the EnvisioningRedesignedposter
Please view the PushingDoingRedesignedposter
Please view the NewknowingRedesignedposter

Please read the Agenda for the day

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