M21 Meeting - 1st August

A regular Friday event to continue work and to plan for end of project


  • Tasks - video editing / downloading (some in parallel with meetings?)
    • JB Sure, i'll try and get the last few tapes imported while we talk, then some more editing in the afternoon

  • 9.30 - Voluntary Iceland Cafe breakfast (it's on JW) -so no egg, please
  • 10.00 - Rough plan for completion of the m21 project - and beyond
  • 10.30 - Ideas for companies / clients with whom we might work
  • 10.50 - Ideas for possible research outcomes we have omitted
    This will include a discussion of roles for completion
    (Please review and complete the questionnaire attached to 25-7-08 by end of day)


  • 11.00 - Update on planning for the Handbook (see HJ's proposed guidelines)
  • 12.00 - Plans for updating Au.o (to TikiWiki V 2.0) and how to best present the m21 outcomes (and hide all the prep work)


  • 2.00pm - meeting with Siradol and Ayako from the MA Design Futures group
    To discuss a metadesign tools workshop for the London Design Festival (external link)
  • 3.00pm - discussion of the launch of a prototype tools book with especially invited guests from Pines Calyx workshop


  • Attendance: John W, John B, Jonny B, Anette, Julia, Hannah
  • Tasks - video editing / downloading (some in parallel with meetings?)
    • JB Sure, i'll try and get the last few tapes imported while we talk, then some more editing in the afternoon

  • 9.30 - Voluntary Iceland Cafe breakfast (it's on JW) -so no egg, please
  • 10.00 - Rough plan for completion of the m21 project - and beyond
    • John W - Rough plan as of yet incomplete
  • 10.30 - Ideas for companies / clients with whom we might work
    • Jonny - met up with Anjum, perhaps there might be an opportunity to test tools in the context of his company
    • John W - going to the business office for specific projects with chosen people from group
    • John W - we need a business person

Anette - Creative Lewisham free consultancy advice, find the right person to advise us, understand what we are offering
John B - If you go to business and focus on our strengths, not try and be jack of all trades, other people to think about for a business brain to work with
John Wood - A quick list of organisations that we want to approach

    • Arcola - a focused interview to follow up - interview them here on camera? Have any of the things we spoke about had any input?
    • Mathilda's food company that she has mentioned - something tower?
    • Julia - devoting an issue of 'writing in creative practice'

Jonny B - Talk to Ken again - how we interface with business
John W - talking to Mark 'why is industry better than academia?'
Anette - discussion with Bethany from Wolf Olens - industry has money but not time - quick fixes - complex issues not dealt with properly -
Jonny B - industry has deadlines which is positive
John W - we deliver creative tools - we have worked on a speed up process - getting people to work together quickly is a selling point
John W - handbook - start all the way through to the finish
Jonny B - several tools kits muddled up in a heap
John W - we haven't really tested the any of the tools properly
Han and Anette - cultural prop has been tested in different scenarios?
John B - we get data and research business get knowledge and tools win win scenario
Jonny B - achieving synergy is an artificial target - not tangible outcome - non-prescribed work

  • 10.50 - Ideas for possible research outcomes we have omitted
    This will include a discussion of roles for completion
    (Please review and complete the questionnaire attached to 25-7-08 by end of day)
    • John W - At the moment we are working out things in parallel (in relation to the plan) and then mapped in relationship to individual needs - e.g. editors for book - not having same people on same jobs - I'm interested in outcomes - the dividing up of hours comes after immediate needed technology and travel - i.e. conferences
    • John W - Jonny B is doing the tagging of the edited video
    • Jonny B - tagging is the wrong name for what we are doing (it relates to cloud tags)
    • Finding ways to efficiently edit synergy moments or key moments for evaluation from video footage
    • Anette - The abstract written by Anette, Jordan, Han for Blackdog - different perspectives on evaluating the event
    • Jonny - we need to have a separate meeting - outside of funding

Julia, John, - tagging using existing technology - annotating synergy moments
John W - This can't be achieved within the remits of the funding this year - getting it to the point of sales
John W- silly to be writing up time codes
Anette - editing process, outcomes talked about different levels of documentation for the films -
John W -If ten people out of the 26 chose that moment it is identifiable

    • John W - Japanese webpage - people's commentaries - text across the page, writing int he same time code as the video online

Jonny B - great idea - do it by hand for now

  • 11.00 - Update on planning for the Handbook (see HJ's proposed guidelines)
    • Juila and John W on the 'Why' part
    • John B and Mathilda on the 'How' part
    • Han and Anette on the 'what' part
    • use the event to get agreement from participants on video etc
  • confirm a date with students - between 13th and 23rd Sept

Students gig

  • Date - between 13th and 23rd Sept
  • Suggestions for tools
    • Collective storytelling
    • Metaphor tool - Ayako is familiar with it
    • Cultural props - familiar with
    • Presentation at the end
    • Inside and outside - observer that becomes a part of the whole
    • Consensual Parameters tool - mapping value
  • Participants?
  • Questions?
  • Purpose?

Julia -

  • Story telling lady - awareness raising workshop on storytelling, she comes in and elicits the story out of us
  • 12.00 - Plans for updating Au.o (to TikiWiki V 2.0) and how to best present the m21 outcomes (and hide all the prep work)


  • 2.00pm - meeting with Siradol and Ayako from the MA Design Futures group
    To discuss a metadesign tools workshop for the London Design Festival (external link)
  • 3.00pm - discussion of the launch of a prototype tools book with especially invited guests from Pines Calyx workshop
