Friday 18th July
m21 closed meeting
Hannah +
Mathilda gave papers at the Changing the Change
conference in Torino
John &
John's paper Mapping Network Consciousness was accepted at the Consciousness Reframed
conference in Vienna
- 9.30 - Coffee in Iceland for those who feel like an early morning
- 5 minutes of gossip from Austria and Italy?
Working with the film footage - meta-tagging data?
... and getting some editing done (positioning tool workshops, I vote for)
(sounds good to me) I also need to catch up with funding / writing-up / being back in London
I will work from home but could be here in the morning but not what is the best use of my time. I could do with a phone call!
2pm : Skype conversation re. analysis of video documentation and other updates from NY
Evaluating tools
Carrying on editing
like this?
Tools - the saga continues...
- Wiki pages maintenance:
- Page name convention (should start m21tool or similar?)
- Categorisation of tool pages (and subcategories?)
- Do we need another database (Tracker) to manage these better, or is EndThingy? doing it now?
We are not using EndNote? at the moment to organise the tools but this is something that I can get on with if people think it might be helpful?
I'm not sure EndNote? data could be mixed in with the wiki - these Tracker databases are built into TikiWiki so would link easily with the existing wiki pages.