First Benchmarking Workshop
A workshop coordinated by Mathilda on 26th October 2007 to explore benchmarking systems
See some outcomes of the workshop
Applying existing benchmarks to a previous workshop, e.g. the information sharing workshop
10.15-12.00 - working in 3's
- Batel, John, Anette:
- Exploring Viability of Batel’s ecological principles
- The assessment criteria of MA Design Futures
- Julia, Hannah, Mathilda
- Using Mathilda’s brand/perception
- knowledge/awareness relationships
- action/activism map
- assessment criteria of MA Design Futures programme
Working tea break at the groups' discretion
12.00-13.00 - Everyone
- Sharing process and outcomes
- Making decisions of initial bench-marking criteria for the afternoon session
Applying modified benchmarks to a future event, e.g. the Arcola project
14.10-15.40 - in groups of three:
- Julia, Anette, Hannah
- Batel, John, Mathilda
16.00-17.00 - Everyone
- Sharing process and outcomes
- Summarising workshop findings
Questions that might guide the benchmark work - ‘simple and specific’:
- Was the information sharing workshop successful?
- How do we know that it was successful?
- How successful was it?
- In which ways was it successful?
- What made it successful?
Questions that this workshop might seek to answer - broader:
- How do we know when we are learning?
- How do we know when group consciousness is larger than the sum of its individuals knowing?
- How can we spur commitment and action and not ‘simply’ awareness?
- How do we know when a group takes ownership of a problem, and of a solution?
- How can we know that a workshop is more than a moment in time?
- Is it possible to break down synergy into several qualities?
Might the following continuums be helpful?
- From single issue focus to systemic awareness
- From thinking in dichotomies to thinking in terms of integration
- From me focus to we focus
Previous notes and suggestions for this workshop:
- If synergy is emergent (unpredictable) from the conditions of the previous level) can we benchmark it?
- Would they advise clearly on conduct or would they need to attune professionals to synergy (i.e. how to spot it)?
- We might also refer to, for example H&M's code of conduct
and Marks & Spencer's
- Look at Ken Fairclough's methods (e.g. “The ultimate arbiter to the success or otherwise of any socio-economic system is the extent to which that system realises its potential whilst meeting its obligations and directives.†(Ken Fairclough)
- It corresponds to the Extreme Programming
principle of the (reciprocating) client-role system.
see JW's Notes
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