m21 Relevant Chapters

A list of book chapters that reflect some of our research outcomes

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  • Tham, M., (2008), Foreword. In Design för hÃ¥llbar utveckling: ekologi, ekonomi, kultur. Stockholm: Raster. Original edition, The Designer’s Atlas of Sustainability, Washington: Island Press; Thorpe, A. 2008.
  • Tham, M., (2008), 'The Role of Symbolic Capital in Sustainable Design'. Modets energi – symbolikens roll i hÃ¥llbar design. In Energi - Hur design kan göra skillnad, edited by K. Sylwan and J. StÃ¥l. Göteborg: Camino.
  • Tham, M., (2008), 'Systems for Sustainable Fashion Moments'. Mode, Tid och Ekologi: System för hÃ¥llbara modeögonblick. In Grön Design, edited by C. Bertilsson and M. Hellmark. Stockholm: Naturskyddsföreningen.
  • Wood, J., (2007), ‘Relative Abundance; Fuller’s discovery that the glass is always half full’, a chapter for ‘Designers, Visionaries and Other Stories: A collection of sustainable design essays’, (eds. Jonathan Chapman & Nick Gant), book, Earthscan, (August 2007)
  • Wood, J., (2007), ‘Win-Win-Win-Win: synergy tools for metadesigners’, a chapter for ‘Designing for the 21st Century’ book, (ed. Tom Inns) Gower Publishing, (2007)
  • Wood, J., (2007), ‘Metadesign’, Chapter 9, in ‘Designing for Micro-utopias; thinking beyond the possible’, (Commissioning Editor, Professor Rachel Cooper), Ashgate, UK, ISBN 0-7546-4608-4, (222 pages)
  • Wood, J., (2007), ‘Synergy’, Chapter 8, in ‘Designing for Micro-utopias; thinking beyond the possible’, (Commissioning Editor, Professor Rachel Cooper), Ashgate, UK, ISBN 0-7546-4608-4, (222 pages)
  • Wood, J., (2007), ‘Thinking Beyond the Possible’, Chapter 7, in ‘Designing for Micro-utopias; thinking beyond the possible’, (Commissioning Editor, Professor Rachel Cooper), Ashgate, UK, ISBN 0-7546-4608-4, (222 pages)
  • Wood, J., (2007), ‘Writing the Design’, Chapter 5, in ‘Designing for Micro-utopias; thinking beyond the possible’, (Commissioning Editor, Professor Rachel Cooper), Ashgate, UK, ISBN 0-7546-4608-4, (222 pages)
