Tribal Dialects

  • We have defined four types, or styles, of the many used for thinking and communicating.
  • People sometimes misunderstand, mistrust, or even dismiss unfamiliar cognitive styles in others.
  • We have therefore framed these styles as 'tribal dialects'.

The four Dialects:

G4 - Conceptual
G3 - Emotional
G2 - Process oriented
G1 - Analytical

Implications for our Dream Exchange

  • You probably use one or more of the above 'dialects'.
  • Is it understandable/acceptable to those using a different one?
  • (How) can you re-work the text/image to make it more accessible to others.
  • (How) can you re-work the text/image to make it more inclusive?

This is 2 of 4 tools for the dream exchange. The others are:
