First Order Cybernetics
See Second Order Cybernetics
See Third Order Cybernetics
See Fourth Order Cybernetics
First Order Cybernetics emphasized Negative Feedback
- The First Order cybernetic approach emphasises the importance of negative feedback.
- See the Wikipedia entry for First order cybernetics for a more detailed and thorough explanation.
- A classic example of a first order system is the 'Watt Steam Governor' (see below)
The Centrifugal Govenor exploits the principle of negative feedback
Slightly Smart Systems
- Another example of first order cybernetics is a thermostatic control system.
- Thermosts are designed to sense, and to maintain a pre-set temperature in a given space.
- This uses the First Order cybernetic principle of negative feedback.
- Negative feedback simply means that errors trigger an opposite (i.e. compensatory) response.
- In this case, if the thermostatic sensor becomes hotter than its target temperature this is detected.
- When this happens it applies negative feedback to switch off the heater.
- Similarly, when the sensor notices that it is colder than the target temperature, it switches the heater on.
Limitations of First Order Cybernetics
- First Order Cybernetics describes aspects of defined systems, rather than the whole (i.e. the actual) situation.
- Here, defined means that it uses descriptions that focus on the local state of a system.
- Traditionally, this is designed to take place in isolation from its whole situation or environment.
- It follows that, by defining (i.e. depicting or modelling) a system, the designer contributes to its behaviour.
- Complex situations were often visualized as 'black box' systems whose internal mysteries were overlooked
- A 'black box' system was portrayed as a closed system with some inputs and some outputs.
- This was seen as a practical way to deal with a shortage of information.
- Whilst this process was often useful at the level of engineering it overlooked the role of the observer.
- Here, the observer may be designer, or user of the system - or even another, adjacent thermostatic system.
- It also tended to overlook the presence of positive feedback.
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