Second Order Cybernetics
See First Order Cybernetics
See Third Order Cybernetics
See Fourth Order Cybernetics
The observer makes a difference...
- A significant problem with first order cybernetics is that it assumed that some systems are 'closed'.
- This black box
approach is now discredited, because nothing is totally isolated.
- Heinz von Foerster
saw that first order cybernetics also, therefore, ignored the role of the observer.
- He described a Second Order Cybernetics
, saying that it is a "cybernetics of cybernetics." (Von Foerster, 1991)
- His understanding of this idea is inclusive of what we now call Third and Fourth Order Cybernetics.
- This acknowledges that whole systems (not just parts) can change whilst they are being used. See his webpage
...because there are no 'closed systems'
- The thermostatic control system was depicted as a first order system (i.e. as totally independent from its surroundings, therefore impervious to an observer).
- This model tended to acknowledge only negative feedback
and its compensatation for deviations from the target.
- Even a Black Hole
is not a black box, because it has (at least) a gravitational relationship with its neighbours.
- The 'observer' could be the system designer or someone who adjusts the thermostat.
- It could even be someone who doubts whether the thermostat is working and makes a comment.
- Second order cybernetics
therefore raises important issues of an ethical
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return to / go to FourthOrderCybernetics
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