How Can We Weave Dreams Together?

We aim to create an arena where many visions could be developed and integrated to create a synergy

A mutual process of realizing dreams

  • Arguably, a Utopia without participation, subscription and ownership is not really a utopia!
  • If Attainable Utopia (AU) works it will be one part of a joined-up network of utopias.
  • The 'DreamScape' is simply the website's whole approach to the support of Dreaming?.
  • Making this work for a (our) whole Network entails designing an eco-mimetic system.
  • This will allow individuals to contribute to their own 'individual utopia' whilst also helping to evolve joined-up, and 'collective utopias'.

Beyond the dreams of consumption...

  • As consumers we live in a 'dreamscape' of desirable products and services.
  • Dreaming of a perfect life or personal Utopia is increasingly familiar to 21st century individuals...i.e. what if had this?...what if I had that?...what if, what if, what if...?
  • As voters and consumers, however, we are expected to choose from a ready-made set of options, rather than to dream.
  • This web site offers a 'dreamScape' that is designed to generate an environment for optimising participation, creativity and ownership.

...visions that enhance the potential of others

  • An AU Dream may contribute to the survival and sustainability of humanity and its environment if it enables more people to realize their potential .
  • An AU Dream may contribute to the social enrichment and well being of every individual if it respects his or, her individual reality and creates every opportunity for others to realize their potential .
  • As an AU Dreamer - any process you advocate in the cultivation of your vision or dream is 'value added' . This means that it may actively contribute value to the process of potential realization .

The realization of potential

  • Using our gardening metaphor, this involves the growing of DreamTrees to populate the DreamScape.
  • This environment (see DreamScape Map" href="DreamScapeMap" class="wiki ">DreamScapeMap) must therefore have a process by which every individual can cultivate the DreamTrees in a beneficial way.
  • You can tend to each individual contribution (i.e 'tree') by working on a DreamLeaf entry.

What is inside the DreamScape?

The DreamScape consists of the Dream Exchange area, the public area, the DreamNursery where the Au gardeners grow the DreamTrees, and the tool shed DreamToolset which holds the tools the Au gardeners use to look after your DreamTrees. When your dream has been grown to a mature stage it may be planted back into a kind of public garden. This is what we call the DreamLibrary.

A Glossary of Terms

DreamScape is the website's environment within which we are now participating
DreamTrees are the ideas and visions that may grow, succeed, and eventually outlive their useful life in the DreamScape
DreamLeaf refers to the emerging ideas that may be part of a whole tree
DreamNursery is an optimistic, friendly area where ideas can be nurtured safely
DreamScape Map" href="DreamScapeMap" class="wiki ">DreamScapeMap is like a large plan of the whole website and the concept behind it
DreamToolset is a set of methods and ideas that may help us with the nurturing process
