Coordinators Evaluation of the interrelations between the four groups

Following from Hannah's suggestion, and as an insight gained during the constellations workshop on 3rd October, we feel that the coordinators' previous work needs additional clarification and evaluation, before we move on to the next phase of the project and make the 4 roles 'virtual'.

Coordinators are asked to write reports (1500-2000 words) which illustrate the relevance of the other 3 roles to their own role.
For example:

As the Languaging coordinator, my report will include the following evaluations:
1. When does the Pushing&doing role become a resource for Languaging in the Metadesign process?
2. When does the Envisioning role become a resource for Languaging during the Metadsign process?
3. When does the New knowing role become a resource for Languaging during the Metadesign process?

Please also try to answer (although it may be more difficult to assess):
1. When does the Languaging role become relevant to each of the other groups during the Metadesign process?

Please post your evaluations on the wiki by Friday 12th October, in the following new link pages:
New Knowing
Pushing Doing