Update by the m21 Team (28-9-07)

Individual Presentations of current work in progress by the whole m21 team


  • Batel? - How can the eco-principles be developed into a model that informs metadesign?
  • John W? - an update on work in progress on devising a synergy equation
  • Mathilda
  • Anette
  • Hannah - notes for Friday's presentations Creative Instability
  • John B
  • Jonny - Not so much a presentation but a discussion about what technology (specifically software) can be developed to assist the project
  • Julia - I will talk about the Writing PAD network/journal for Writing in Creative Practice - what it is and how it might feed into m21

Notes from the Discussion

  • Excellent presentations by all of the above (video records made)
  • Mathilda suggested that we begin to implement benchmarking from now until the end - agreed
  • John W's proposal of metacoordinators well received...but whether to implement as soon as possible or not.. - agreed

Next Actions

  • What is the next practical task? (several parallel tasks by different sections of the research team...?)
  1. John, Mathilda, Anette & Hannah to write 1500 word reports summarising the system of 4 roles
    (should this be a SWOT analysis? - might be useful
    Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats
  2. Could we have these by 12th October, please?
    Julia is happy to act as a sounding board to anyone wishing to discuss reports
    John W. would like to interview each report author as a way to supplement content
  3. The completion of reports will 'sign-off' the phase in which we explored/evaluated the roles and their relations
  • Starting on the 19th October we will begin a new phase
  1. 1. We will then create 4 avatars (orchestrated by Anette) representing the 4 roles over the next 3 Fridays
  2. 2. We will create an outline of appropriate benchmarking systems (orchestrated by Mathilda) over the next 3 Fridays
  3. 3. John B to complete first phase of the equation
  4. 4. Jonny to evaluate the 'team consciousness' feasibility as software/hardware
  5. 5. Hannah to work on the integration of practical tasks with evaluation methods
  6. 6. Integration of the above tasks into the whole project - to clarify
    a) what we have done
    b) where we are heading
    c) Why / alternatives

