Research > Metadesign 21
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Research > Metadesign 21 > Pines Calyx Workshop
Metadesign Tools Workshop
Experts / Guests
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This m21 event was held at Pines Calyx
Friday 29th February - Saturday 1st March 2008
Design Representatives
x~~ | ~~#0099CC:Team 1~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~white:x~~ | ~~#0099CC:m21-PC-Team2~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Professional Background~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxxx |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Jan-Marc Petroschka![]() | ~~white:x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Ayako Fukuuchi~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Architecture |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Dr. Nicola Wood![]() | ~~white:x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | William Warren | ~~#0099CC:Product / 3D Design |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Colm Lally![]() | ~~white:x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Michela Magas![]() | ~~#0099CC:Interaction Design |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Emily Wilkinson![]() | ~~white:x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Dr. Malcolm Evans![]() | ~~#0099CC:Advertising |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Hyaesook Yang~~white:xxxxxx~~ | ~~white:x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Nic Hughes![]() | ~~#0099CC:Graphic/Communication |
Specialist Advisors
x~~ | ~~#0099CC:Name~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Role~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Professional Background~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxxx | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Prof. Clive Dilnot![]() | ~~#0099CC:Observer![]() | ~~#0099CC:Design historian | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Dr. Ken Fairclough | ~~#0099CC:PinesCalyx-KenFaircloughRole~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Design Epistemologist | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Prof. Keith Hart![]() | ~~#0099CC:Human Context Advisor~~~~white:x~~ | ~~#0099CC:Anthropologist of money | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Jae Mather![]() | ~~#0099CC:Local Context Guide~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Expert in Public Environmentalist Policy | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Dr. Olu Taiwo![]() | ~~#0099CC:Embodied Knowledge Coach~~~~white:x~~ | ~~#0099CC:Choreographer | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Anjum Waheed | ~~#0099CC:PinesCalyx-AnjumWaheedRole~~~~white:xxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:IT / Banking expert |
Researchers / Organisers
x~~ | ~~#0099CC:Name~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Role~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Professional Background~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxxx | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | John Backwell | ~~#0099CC:Data collection~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Engineer | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Jonny Bradley | ~~#0099CC:Technical Consultant~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Programmer and artist | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Batel Dinur? | ~~#0099CC:Data Collection~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Architect | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Hannah Jones | ~~#0099CC:Rapporteur~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Urban design theorist | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Julia Lockheart | ~~#0099CC:Data Collection~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Art and design languager | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Anette Lundebye | ~~#0099CC:Team Facilitator~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Design consultant and artist | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Ann Schlachter | ~~#0099CC:Event Administrator~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Administrator | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Prof. Mathilda Tham | ~~#0099CC:Team Facilitator~~~~white:xxxxxxxxxxx~~ | ~~#0099CC:Trends forecaster | |
x~~~~green:√~~~~white:x~~ | Prof. John Wood | ~~#0099CC:PinesCalyx-JohnWoodRole?~~ | ~~#0099CC:Inventor / writer / researcher |
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